In 2014, Widhya Asih Foundation was renamed Widhya Asih Bali Foundation (WABF) by virtue of a notarized deed made before Notary I Gusti Ayu Made Susianingsih, SH., M.KM No. 13 dated 27 August 2014, and has been registered by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights No. AHU-05097.50 .10.2014 dated 28 August 2014.
The mission of WABF is to help impoverished people, so that they can help themselves to break their cycle of poverty by
- providing safe and hygienic living space,
- nutritious food,
- formal education,
- physical and spiritual health,
- and life-skills training
To achieve this mission, Widhya Asih provides funding and other supporting facilities to ensure a better life for
- children living under the poverty line
- abandoned children
- those experiencing social problems
This is done by helping them in getting an education and completing their study.
As an organisation working on behalf of children, WABF realises that these children are vulnerable to being victims of abuse, neglect and exploitation. Widhya Asih also realises that every party, from any background, including social workers and volunteers actively involved and working with children, has the potential of becoming perpetrators of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Therefore, Widhya Asih is committed to upholding child protection principles, and to protect children and their rights to live, grow, develop and participate in accordance with the United Nations Charter on Rights of the Child.
The welfare of children in Widhya Asih is the top priority and it is the responsibility of everyone in Widhya Asih to ensure that they are protected. WABF endeavours to create an environment that minimises the risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation by having a written child protection policy that is monitored and adhered to by all staff working with children under Widhya Asih’s care.