Why provide care in children’s homes?
By providing residential care in children’s homes, Widhya Asih can provide for the children:
- A secure and comfortable place to live where they can receive protection and assistance (such as medical care and basic hygiene),
- Nutritious food,
- Physical-spiritual health,
- Formal education and
- Training in a range of life skills.
During their residence in a children’s home, each child is given the opportunity for positive personal growth so that they may eventually become productive members of the community who can live a decent and responsible life for themselves, their families and society.
Currently, Widhya Asih has 6 children’s homes at:
- Badung (Cica)
- Singaraja
- Melaya
- Blimbingsari
- Bangli
- Amlapura
There are approximately 250 children currently in the care of Widhya Asih.