On Thursday, August 18, 2022, Widhya Asih Badung received a visit from the Asia Regional Meeting Aflatoun International 2022 delegation.
This activity was a return visit after Widhya Asih Badung attended the Training Of Trainer, Candidate Facilitator for Social Education, Finance and Management, at Ramada Hotel held by Aflatoun on 28 – 30 June 2022.
The delegation comprised representatives from the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), and government officials from several countries in Asia. The Aflatoun institution shared motivation and listened to a piece of short information about Widhya Asih delivered by the Head of the Widhya Asih Orphanage, Ni Gusti. Ayu Stiti Sudastri SE.

What is Aflatoun?
Aflatoun is a social and financial education program to empower children to become change makers, helping them improve their own lives and the lives of others. By prioritizing social empowerment, Aflatoun aims to make children care about their rights (including their responsibilities) as stated in the BPP Convention on the Rights of the Child and also aims to empower them to take concrete actions to obtain those rights.
Aflatoun also provides opportunities for children to learn how to plan and budget and save and spend their money responsibly. Aflatoun promotes a holistic approach to saving and motivates the development of saving habits. This can mean that children are not only motivated to save their money but also how to manage their financial plans in the future and encourage children to start saving in banks and other formal financial institutions.

In this meeting, the children at LKSA Widhya Asih Badung enjoyed every lesson delivered because they got new knowledge. Likewise, Aflatoun’s learning method is carried out with activities that are very fun and easy to understand. This learning is expected to help improve children’s lives by developing self-confidence, maintaining health, managing finances, developing entrepreneurial skills and improving prospects.