3 rd International Workcamp Kansai University in Widhya Asih Blimbingsari Children Home

At the beginning of year 2023, the student of Health and Wellbeing of Kansai University from Osaka Japan visited our homes in Blimbingsari in a regular international work camp visit. The work camp that had been stopped during the pandemic/covid finally back again and held on 18 February – 2 March 2023. In this 3rd work camp, the participants which consisted of 8 students and 2 accompanying teachers brought various forms of programs that they implemented both inside the children’s home and also outside/the community.

The main activity in the children’s home was building a wall fence in the eastern part of the children’s home area. This project was decided in order to improve the quality of security and a sense of comfort for everyone, both staff and children living in children’s homes. In addition, they also provided education on how to build a culture of cleanliness and maintain health for children. Of course by doing this, they hope that the children will be motivated to change their habits in maintaining environmental cleanliness and personal hygiene. For outdoor activities, they also visited and taught Japanese to several high schools in the surrounding area.

While carrying out this work camp, the Japanese students lived in a community house in Blimbingsari village where the children’s home was located. This was certainly very memorable for them because they can learn and experience directly the warmth of Balinese family life with its various cultures.

This activity which lasted for approximately one week certainly left a positive impact on the children’s home, especially the children, as well as the community and schools. Hopefully in the coming year this activity could be carried out again so that more children and communities will receive the impact of this Japanese student visit. Thank you, student of health and well being of Kansai University, Osaka Japan. Mata Aimashou.