Project week Bali Bridges UWCSEA Dover 26 – 29 March 2023 in Widhya Asih Blimbingsari Children Home

The visit of parents and children from the Uniting World College of South East Asia/UWCSEA Singapore Bali Bridges in a project week for 4 days in Blimbingsari some time ago went very well. In this year’s visit, which was their first visit after the pandemic, they came with a group of 11 parents along with 11 children of year 4 and 5 including 3 of their teachers. A week’s project of their visit brought several projects, which their main project was repainting the girls’ room that had started to break down. And then the group would decorating it, and adding some wall accessories.

Apart from that, on the sidelines of their main activities, they also held simple workshops for children, such as workshops on playing Balinese gamelan, Balinese dancing and glass painting. Not only for them, but they also involved the children of Widhya Asih Blimbingsari in some fun activities such as playing lego and interactive games which had been well organized by teachers from UWCSEA.

The day before this activity ended, they took several kids from Widhya Asih to come to the place where they were staying, to do fun activities together. In this event, kids were given the freedom to choose what fun activities they wanted to participate in because there were various kinds of fun activities prepared by teachers, parents and children from UWCSEA such as: swimming, playing badminton, face painting, handcrafting, puzzles, magic shows, drawings, temporary tattoos etc.

Of course, activities like this made our kids were very happy and they were very impressed because they had an experience they would never forget.

Hopefully in the coming year this activity can be carried out again so that more children will benefit from positive activities like this. Thank you, teachers, parents and the kids of UWCSEA Dover Singapore. We hope to see you again next year.