Students’s Exchange Program to Coffs Harbour Christian Community School

New South Wales – Widhya Asih Bali Sejahtera Foundation is in partnership with Coffs Harbour Christian Community School (CHCCS) through the Bali Buddies Program to send 8 children of Widhya Asih’s children’s home to study abroad on Student Exchange Program for 14 days, 4 until June 18, 2023. The purpose of this foreign exchange program is to provide students with an opportunity to study in another country and experience a different environment and helps them develop the intercultural learning skills they need for their future. They are Ratna, Merita, Ferlina , Ibet, Miss, Selvi, Sumadi and Setia. The program itself, according to Ni Gusti Ayu Stiti Sudastri, S.E., the Secretary of the Foundation, is a great way to learn about a new culture and meet their Bali Buddies friend.

his event brought together two staff from the Foundation, Yati and Forman. The student exchange program included: living together with family, students’ insight into school campuses, participated in learning activities in English-Indonesian classes, mountain bikes, horse riding, cooking classes, and performing dances and gamelan at the CAPA Night event at the Senior School and Indonesian Cultural Day at the Junior School.

A “Pre-Departure Student Exchange” is held on Friday, July 1, before the selected students depart for their destination. Which is intended to make sure they are well-prepared for student exchange. The event was filled with information about living abroad, such as how to adjust to a new environment and other things that are considered essential for life in another country.